Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Alrigt so i recived a NC from [Magika] where she was telling us about the new hair features!!
So heres the text:
"- New store design!
- 6 new hairstyles
- Completely new hair textures
- Each color pack come with 8 colors instead of the previous 7
- All new hairstyles come in both mirrored and regular version
- All new hairstyles come with streak options
- Most new hairstyle come with the hair-in-mouth (on/off) option
- More flexi

All these features now come on a HUD. You even change the haircolor from your HUD. This means you only have to modify one hair to fit you from each hairstyle.
If you are worried that your hair will be filled with scripts, don't be. Each hairstyle only has two, very low lag and removable, scripts. This means it's a little bit slower, but a lot less lag.

HOWEVER, all these features only apply to the newer hairstyles. All the previous collections have now been moved to a separate area and has its price marked down permanently."

Do we love this or what?!? Mirrored hair...damn!! like where dose she buy her time, ill bet shes got som harry potter turn back time thingie...for sure!!!
Anyways we love her a lote and she loves us. And here's a picture of the fabulous free hair :)
So let me introduce to u Delora the freebie hair ♥:


Stunning News from Aoharu!

I have always had a big crush on aoharu clothes and the new stuff never lets me down. I absolutely love the new jackets and bowtie skirts *aaaah*ooohhh*iiiih* (see i make these sounds irl too). Ive been over to the store and had a look, but my somewhat empty wallet dosent allow me to buy it *tears oh so many tears* But hey, you may have the money and ill be happy to see those garnments on anyone :D

(pictures borrowed from Aoharu's blog)

Dont ignore pure love, it will haunt u in yor sleep...go get it now!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Season Hunt

When: Sept. 25th - Oct 9th
Where: You may start wherever u like!
& Take me there: [Surprize Start location]

At [The Season hunt] home page you´ll find the list of slurls to the stores, and they aren't linked to eachother like all the other hunts so u can just go there and find the leaf and then go to the next store of your choice :)
Its really easy to find the hunt gifts so no need to turn hulk green in frustration :)

Happy hunting

I really should be telling when im on a break, huh?

Sorry ones again for leaving the blog, i been taking a well earned break from second life ( i do this every year). I just wake up one day and not having the need to go online!
I ve been pretty alone the last year and my closes friends are all on msn or skype anyway so no one's presence have been draggin me in :D

Anyways i still log in every now and then to get the latest updates lol (so thers still a little sl fashionista in me). And im gonna try to get my thumb out of my ass and put together a feew looks and updates.

Coffe time (and a look thru all the new stuff in sl).
Kiss & a assgrab

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hair fair

Okay so i went there again yesturday morning and it was loads better, it wasnt lag free but i could walk and thats priceless!!
So i just wanted to show some of the free (1L$) hairs that i got.

all 4 from magika ♥

From Kin

From !*Bliss hair*!

From BB*Salon

From Shag hair :)

ones again yey for freebies and for the hair fair that draws in a lot of money for a good cause, wee ♥ that!!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hair Fair 2010

Starts: Sept 4th
Stops: Sept 18th
Where: [Here]

Mmkay since im a bit slow inworld these days im gonna go there now and just hope every fashionista has already been there...And oh boy was i wrong...Thank god im listening to Katy Perrys new album otherwise id be crazy by now!!

But still, heres my hair fair outfi, remember to drop those prims ladies, u can look fab without them...

Slowmotion running

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Stuff

[C'est Moi!] Is obviously loning for autum as much as me and has created an adorable long cardigan that comes i 4 different colors :) And also created a male tshirt since she had a hard time finding just regular god damn normal thsirt without alot of junk on it. And we Love it ♥ (gonna get one for my babu) ;P

[Modest house] is having a SALE, and we are lovin it. The sale starts Sep 1 and ends Sept 15th. Now we love sales dont we...Yeees!!

Really nice jackets, ima go get one right away just loooove them!!



Okay [Aleida] sent out a NC saying she is selling the Miranda top and matching pants for 10L$ each, so go buy your copy today ;)

(cute cute)


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Look of the day!

Skin: LAQ ~ Martina - 04 [Peach] Glow skin
Hair: >TRUTH< Tabatha - browns (Browns)
Top: !Ohmai : HighRise Tank MODERNYOUTH PK
Jacket: [ATOMIC] Ritzy Blazer - Black
Bracelet: aluinn gift bag (♥ Free)
Gloves: **Mis** Tickle n Tease
Pants: *TuttiFrutti* Under The Roses Ultra Low Jeans
Shoes: fri. - Dream.Booties (Charcoal)



Alright 2 cheapies from katat0nik, the light pink is just adorable :)
Direct Tp:[katat0nik]

I actually got my first decent dress from katat0nik back in -07 like my first dress ever, i still have it in my inventory and its actually been in the "look of the day" series... so yeah still useful :)
Love the colorful creations over there, since im torn back and forward if im suppose to be dressed as a rainbow or a couturewhore... Well the couture always wins...*silent buuuuh*

Anyways pay the store a visit and while ure in Juicy u should have a walk around the stores cause there are a lot of great stuff 2 be found :)
