Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back from the bed

Heya fashionista readers!
Ive been suffering from smelly belly and ive been throwing up for a week, its been not so lovely. I could give u details cause i know u want em, but for the more sensitive reader i guess im shutting up.
Im reading the latest H&M cataloge and im loing it, why cant those clothes go straight into a mesh mashine and pop up in sl!?! Id pay a fortune for that machine (just so u know)

Just read that the Sea Hole is having a 50% off sale due to RL problems. Owners Drinkinstein Sorbet's car had a little one on one time with the lightning and look like the insurance company dont like that (now what do they like!?!) Lovely picture but such a sad story. I feel so sorry for her, and may her problms get solved.
Tp to [The Sea Hole]

I cant even get online (had this problem with firestorm for ages now)
And we have the Mix + Mesh fashion fair going on. I have no idea what its about other that it might be something about mesh (duuuh). But i love mesh so ill dig into t later on, right now i can only view tha bottom of the sea and my money looks like ??? (is the viewer telling me im getting a big amount of money and its so big its going nuts, oh i wish). Tp to the [Fair]

Okay ima watch Top Model Sweden now, and drink my first cup of coffe in over a week O.o!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


POSE FAIR 2012 by K A T E Y
POSE FAIR 2012, a photo by K A T E Y on Flickr.

Uuuh pose fair, me like :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Prim Show Logo 512

The Prim Show Logo 512 by Kat Alderson
The Prim Show Logo 512, a photo by Kat Alderson on Flickr.

It feels a bit early to post this, but since its there i might just aswell do it, cause ill forget about it othervise, and y'all know that.
And its a home and garden event, (weii) must remember that!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Festival of Sin

[Festival of sin] is an event that celebrates the 7 deadly sins.

Sounds like a lot of fun to me, I tried to go there but didnt "get in", not sinful enough i guess LOL., Anyways ill try again later cause ive gotten so many NC's about this that i just have to check it out.

Love Soul Nails

I really like the [Love Soul] nails and now theres a set of nails for half price. Aren't they just adorable? But remember to try a demo first, cause if u dont have the right handsize it will look silly :)

[_Stuff in Stock_]

[_Stuff in Stock_] is a new discound event, somewhat like TDR.
Cute stuff for great prices :) me like!

This is so wrong!

Im boiling inside as im looking through this evil persons marketplace.
Ive seen hair from Truth & Lamb! that i know is from those stores since i got them myself, and the rest of the hairstyles i recognize but cant remember what store they belong to.
She's selling all of these for 10L$ each! This is just so fucked up!

Im so torn up cause i dont wanna post anything about her, cause i dont want dishonest people to buy from her (im not saying my readers are dishonest, i trust you guys, its the others, the cheap "i dont wanna spend money" people that i fear  will take advantage of this situation). But i dont want her to get away whit this!

So ill give out her name since i want justice! I want her ass beaten up!
Her name is MissAshleyAvin Resident. Now go drop all your piles of dirt on top of her head cause i want to se her buried!

New at The dressing Room Blue.

Just look at all these goodies!! Im on my way over there right now!!!
 Taxi to[TDR]

Saturday, February 18, 2012


OMG i have nothing to write about. NOTHING!
No new stuff ive gotten and nothing new in stores i wanna show. Buhu, i suffer from brain slush.
This is just the.worst.thing.ever! I need to go shopping!

Monday, February 13, 2012

juicy crush on you Event


Love is in the air

Store's around the sim are selling cute valentine thingies, so if u like bargains and valentine speciela, well have a go :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Lashes

Ooooh i just got these pretty lashes over at [Koketka]. Only 50L$, such a bargain..I ♥ em!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trying out demos

Not only did i try out loads of truth hair demos, i also found these 2 fabulous skins from IT GIRLS.
Not sure which one i want, but i love both brow's, my god bushy eybrows are awesome and sexy!

Florrie skin ♥
And Daph Skin ♥ both from [IT GIRLS] (the lipstick on both pic's are from L.Fauna and not included in the skin). I must say i really love this skin, its so not like the rest out there, id love o have those brows irl!!

Today Only HUNT

Even tho i dislike Valentine i dont want to stop you others who loves it  from enjoying it. so hers a today only hunt. It ends at 9PM so hurry.

Mynerva Group gift

Just went and got this adorable groupgift from Mynerva, (50L$ joining fee). Im not much for new skin's, when i get a new one i keep it for ages, but i had to have this one!! I love it!!1

Such a cute face ♥

I dont care about valentines day!

I love the people close to me with ot without valentines day. And i dont wanna give stores the satisfaction of more money just because i buy cards, chocolate or heartcovered soft toys.

If i love everyone ill get the same in return.
So im not gonna give out gift im giving out pieces of my heart to everyone willing to take it!
So i wish everyone a "happy loving day" everyday.

And valentines day can go f**k itself!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The lost bed

I had seen this bed some time ago, and all i could remember was that it was white super adorable and made with andditional parts that could of been antler's....
Started to search at the market place.... wrote every possible antler word (Antlers...AnTlErS...aNtLeRs...A.N.T.L.E.R.S). Nothing!
Had to rethink...As i was searching i also when to the Nest sim and looked in every store for a possible jackpot, but no, nowhere near the bed i wanted (i dont want a sex bed or a double bed or a sex bed or a bed made with beautiful colors or a sex b... okay u guys get it).
I even searched some furniture groups at flickr.

Hmm hmm hmmm...Started thinking, and then i got it...There were no antlers, god damnit, it was branches!!
Serched the word and bingo!!
Like seriously, how hard can it be!?!

Well here it is, my beautiful new bed to be:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cheeky Pea SALE

Yeey for sale :)

Love Gatcha

Cute valentine stuff. I paid a visit and got a cute mesh dress. Maybe ill show it later :)
[Love Gatcha]

Collabor 88 February

New Month new stuff. I managed to go there yesturday, but i had to tp out to put on some demo hair and then i couldn't get back in again (i should of known). Anyways theres more time to go look at all the amazing things.
I always buy what LISP offers, and yesturday there was this adorable tv i just had to have!
I forgot what other things i got, cause after i went there i had to setup my house and try out my new tv :).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Help someone in need :)

oh gah plz hulp! by MiaSnow
oh gah plz hulp!, a photo by MiaSnow on Flickr.

Mia Snow is looking for renters.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Apple May Designs - Above Love Sale

I missed my own birthday...

Ive been away due to RL. And ive been so buzy ive forgot my own 5th birthday!! Can u guys believe it!?!
Im a bit ashamed, but to celebrate it ive been on a shopping spree that i thought i could share with u guys :P

Freebie mesh shirt from a new store called [ColdLogic], And New Pants from [Ison].

New Mesh Hair: [Leverocci], New Pants: [Ison], New Shoes: [Ison], New Necklace: [W&B]

New Hair: [D!va], New Top: [{Mon Tissu}], New Skirt: [(TokiD)]

Theres more comin, i just havent had the time to put the looks together, cause everythime i enable shadows my graphic card crashes (didnt do that before just started doing it like 2 months ago). So it takes a while to get the pictures just right.
Hope u like it :)