Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Watch n Learn

This is a great video on how to create clothes, so if ure intrested in making your own garnments this is a good way to learn :D

For the Sweeds!

Its for the swedish people in SL and about the constant fighting between them!

Jag började skriva ett långt och ordkrångligt inlägg på engelska, men insåg rätt snabbt att det inte fungerade. Så jag tar det på svenska då det är riktat till er svenskar.
Jag hade en stund nu i dag så jag blogg surfade runt och läste dom senaste händelserna i den svenska Second Life och insåg rätt snabbt varför jag håller mig borta från dom!
Där står precis samma skit som förra året och året före det!

Och det slog mig att folk nog enbart skaffat bloggar för att öppet skrika ut sina "smutsiga" åsikter om andra öppet! Det känns sällan som om det kommer kärlek till andra avatarer utan det är jämt häxjakt och smutskasting på allt och alla!
Jag trodde detta var ett fritt land där ALLA har rätt till SINA EGNA ÅSIKTER utan att bli kastade på bålen! Så era 1600 talsfjantar som tror att häxor fortfarande finns så kan dra era gamla potatissäckar över er och sitta där och tryna!!!

Jag började faktiskt skriva hur mycket jag saknade svenskarna då jag insåg alla FINA händelser som hänt i sl som jag missat. Men ju mer jag började titta runt på bloggarna så insåg jag att där var bara skit!

Och att folk predikar över malmö simmarna ännu är fan skrämmande...Tycker ni seriöst att dom skattepengarna var värda att satsa på ett par skitsimmar??? Senast jag läste nyheterna så sköts 3 VERKLIGA personer i malmö av nån idiot som ränner runt med pistol och tycker invandrare ska dö...Kanske skulle skattepengarna satsats på nånting vettigt i sället!! Men neeej varför det Malmö simmarna var ju rena liiiiivet!!
En kille sköts utanför min sambos klasskompis fönster!! Fattar att psykvården/sjukvården/ Kriminalvården kanske skulle haft bättre stöd av dom pengarna än SL!!?!

Jag kommer aldrig med ens försöka leta mig till svenskar i SL igen för jag är så förbannat trött på dom bittra jävlarna som jämt och ständigt ska klaga på andra!!!

Skaffa er ett liv må gott sluta klaga för i helvete... Be varandra om förlåtelse kramas pussas hånglas gör va fan som helst bara förvandla det negativa skiten till nått positivt!!


Artilleri Clearance SALE!!

Squeak!! 50-75% on old stuff....*Swoosh* im so there before ure even able to blink...'Watch out bitches im sharpening my elbows'

You people got to understand i really love Artilleri, such clean an non complicated clothes *rolls her eyes in happyness* sighs happily!!


Look of the day: Male

So a friend of mine was nice enough to borrow himself as a model for a male LOTD!
So here is the cheap resault of that (since he's a male his inventory dosent look like the rest of us, its a mess and hard to find stuff therefore none of the accessories were listed *sigh*)

Skin: Prodiga, Ale Medium - Stubble
Hair: Argrace, Baseboll Cap -Shaggy - Darkbrown
Vest: Gritty Kitty: Retro Winter Vest [v]
Shirt: Somapp, pulli bw/str/oh
Pants: Armidi Limited - A001 Jeans [Black Classic]
Shoes: HOC Apparel - Bolts Sneakers - Unisex

The region we're in, is [Old Europe Village] theres a halloween theme going on there and crepy things pop up everywere, thank god im one of the missing members of Ghostbusters so i had my ghost vaccum cleaner with me incase the became a little to intimate (but i doo like if they sneak up from behind and pinch me in the ass, but thats just me....)

That skin is really hot, but its frightening similar to my ex-fiance from rl so im not sure how to deal with that. Not that he is ugly but still freaky it really looks like him :S

Anyways hope u like the new male LOTD!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One big YEY for the virtual humanity...I just found out i no longer need prim eyes with the 2.2 viewer...Well Amen!!!
Cause its been a curse to take photos of people without prim eyes since they go black!
So ones more YEEEY!!
And yes its working, and theres even more different options on how to use the shadows...Well this cause for a coffe refill, and maybe a afternoon sandwich!!! (And yes im 300 years old)

Im gonna post a tutorial on how to enable the shadows later this week (im not gonna say tonight cause then i wont do it for some reason).
Ima go play with my viewer now.
Have a great afternoon everyone!


New Stuff

[The Dressing Room]
set of five tights for 50L$ at the dressing room!
Such a fab place if u havent been there its a must see!

[{What Next}]
The one thing that makes us longing for snow, the ONLY thing! Sledge rides!!!

New cosy shirt to keep us from freezing this cold autum!


[Pink Outfitters]

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Okay now i gonna spend the rest of this day organizing my flickr account. Yesturday i deleted all my old pic to upload new ones.
And atm im removing all the 250 million unnecessary groups im in, cause i really dont need the or even want them...I guess i was young and dumb just saying yes to every god damn group invite!

So have a great Saturday y'all :)
muah muah

Phoenix Rising Finds

So this is what i found at the end sale (thats still on so theres still time to go gets som kick ass clothes).

/-Phoenix+Rising-+Brace++(Slate) & -Phoenix+Rising-+Fib+Skirt+(Pink)

-Phoenix+Rising-+Wisk+(Nude) & -Phoenix+Rising-+Impede+(Red)

-Phoenix+Rising-Tainted+(Wine) & -Phoenix+Rising-+Encounter+(Red)

Most of the poses comes from the 1L$ POSEUR pack available at the Juicy Birthday boot. And the rest belongs to my AO!
The pumpkin head's is called P&A-zhizheng* Montly Freebie and i found it in a store on the kowloon sim!The Shoes are a halloween gift from O!Bleak :)

Diesel works Freebie

A freebie pose for everyone, and theres another free sexy pose there too. So make sure to get some time to go there cause Diesel Work har some stunning poses i can assure u that!
[Diesel Works]

Miao Mini Hunt

MIni hunt that will be over later today!
Okay so both Miao and the store next door Dark Mouse has 5 objects in their stores marked down to 0L$, all you need to do is check all the items in the store to find the freebies, not that hard in my opinion :)
Happy hunting :)

Juicy Sim turns 3years old

Freebies, woo :D
Go there and have a look at the best looking shopping sim ever!

New hair from 69

Love em ♥

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dekade Final Closing SALE!


Im getting sad that all of these big brands in sl are closing down, but on the other hand there are new stores coming all the time...But still! It takes a lot of work to create and maintain a store inworld, cause ure not always there to take care of customers and other store related things. And it takes a lot of time to create clothes! So yeah sad sad very sad!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Look Of the Day

Skin: LAQ ~ Martina - 09 [Peach] Glow skin
Hair: >TRUTH< Midori - browns
Earrings: Sanu Glitter-pop Earrings (boxed)
Scarf: Nana's Fashion Cowl (brown)
Shirt: Apple May Designs - Delilah
Bag: magi take leather bag [ black ]
Pants: Zaara : Nishar leggings *dirty black*
Shoes: * ETD Shoes: Sasha Boots (Cranberry)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Teleport problems!

Gaah i cant teleport to the places i so badly wanna go to...
I can only tp to places i already got in my landmarks, so im getting frustrated when i got a lot of places to blog about but i just cant go there!!!
Well i guess ill have to leave defeated by SL ones more!!
Good night

Halloween Spooktacular

Starts: Oct 17th
Ends: Oct 31st
Teleport: [Take me there]

A few really nice freebies to be found, and loads of cute halloween stuff :) So go get the halloween spirith and be elbowin around cause its pretty crowded :P


New Stuff



[*Fishy Strawberry*]

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Love Soul Sim Halloween Wagon Sale

The sale ends tomorrow so be sure to go there and get some cute halloweenstuff :)
[Love Soul Sim]

New Stuff

Well this gal needs help so she is selling this pair of rainbow tights for 25L$ to get the money to pay the land rent of her store. Loads of big designers are closing down due to the small amount of sold goods these days :( So help a "friend" in need :)

[Mad Echo]

Glitterati's Halloween releases.


New From Truth


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Have u ever seen something so cute!?!??

Look at his dissapointed look when she stops ♥.


Im cleaning out my inventory again!

All the hunts and fairs are flooding my inventory with loads of folders making my inventory look like a mess!
So ive spent the last 2 days checking what stays and what goes!
And on top of that i got a cold again *sigh*.
But im multitasking ones more and i got some clotes comin up, and i found the old store sign....aaah brings back old memories :D

I was going to upload pictures of the new stuff but blogger is evil atm....can upload anything :S

Anyways im just gonna continue to throw out and try on stuff some more and then upload some stuff :)


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Phoenix Rising End SALE!

Oh boy did i fall flat when i entered the building.
There were so many people there i had to move by sitting on the posestands in every room.
Slow YES effective YES!
I got to see all the female stuff so i just got the male clothes left(yes i watch the male clothes u never know when a dude's outfit gonna look good on ya, and i have a husband and he need's to update to every now and then!).

But every piece is 25L$ so its a bargain, so i wrote a list of things i wanted and im gonna head back ones the lag is better, ure just plain stupid if u shop when its that laggy. Sure ure gonna get all the stuff if u wait until the clothing folder is loaded, but that can take longer than actually walkin upto the garment. so wait ang go back ones the first rush is over.

Im so looking forward to go back there cause i found loads of cute things, and i sooo wanna check out the guy's department cause the small amount of clothes i saw looked FAB...and its hard to find decent male clothing in sl...and since its on sale u just have to buy it :)

I dont have a Landmark ready to get posted cause sl spit me out after getting stuck in some black shiny in between world...looked cute but i couldnt move lol...
Anyways ill post it later :D


Travel more

Okay so im in some kind of travel phase right now so ive been checking out [Second life places] to find those extraordinary places.

(Screenshot from Koinup's Second life places)

And u all know how easily i get stunned, so this page is perfect for me, LoL.

Ive visited loads of wonderful places and i take pictures as i go.
Ive posted some of them on Snapzilla (since i have a group there called Amazing places i need to update it every now and then).
So if u wanna have a look at them just klick the picture banner to your right and that will take you there.
And yeah, dont sit around go explore!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Look Of The Day

No i did not remeber to post the shoppinglook from yesturday cause i have the memory of a goldfish! But here it is, hope u enjoy it!

Skin: LAQ ~ Martina - 02 [Peach] Glow skin
Hair: >TRUTH< Vera - browns
Glasses: FNKY! GC2720 Glasses
Shirt: -[AddiCt] JERSEY Racerback/ Bift B&W (♥FREE)
Bracelet: edge grafica / 37 bracelet(Black2+White) (old group gift)
Jacket: [ATOMIC]Ritzy Blazer- Black(♥FREE)
Bag: [Armidi Gisaci] Focsani bag - Lare (SALE FIND)
Pants: Armidi Limited - A001 Jeans [Regular Classic]


Friday, October 8, 2010

Alright so now i got the info about the fair :)
I was totally wrong about it beeing open for long, infact i was one of the lucky ones getting there before the entire fair was open, so *YATTAAA*!!

When: October 8th
Where: October 17th
Teleport: [TAXI]

Well im done with the fair and im not gonna post any pictures this time, i got to many other things to do! But there are tons of beautiful freebies,and loads of new adorable accessories :)


Jewelery fair 2010

Its on, and i dont know for how long or when it started, but due to the amount of people (me and 2 others) im guessing its been open a while.
See ive been tying to find info on the sim but cant find it :S

Anyways ill try to find some more info, meanwhile just tp there and if its still there its still there:)



Help dress your man!

Men are awesome and well girls are 2. But when it comes to second life men seem to be lost when getting dressed! Ive seen so many couples that looks like beauty and the beast and it scares me. So her are a few shirt options to help your baby look hot!
Well these shirts might not be the cheapest but when it comes to quality it costs!
Please dont run to 10,000+ freebie places casue u will never ever look good in clothes from that place!! NEVER!!!!

[Chinese Takout] offers these real nice shirts for 325L$. They look realyl sexy if u want a clean boyish looking babe :)

[Artilleri] Make your man sexy with artilleri's checked shirts 150L$each And 700L$ Fatpack.

[Aitui] Basic Henley ♥ 200L$ This shirt is so manly my vagina sucks up my panties like a god damn vaccum cleaner...for real! Men with shirts like this screams sex!!SEX!!!! *Slurp sound*

[AOHARU] Single240L$ Fatpack 680L$ Layedback boyfriend, thats what this tshirt screams...well atleast in my ears, my baby thinks its to feminine for him...Well if you cant rock a outfit like that your a *(fartsound)*...

[RONSEM*] Hoodies 150L$ Yor bebeh's gonna look a lill rough n street in this hoodie and we like that ;D

[*ARAI*] 135L$ & 140L$ Basic t-shirts cant go wrong, but make sure he attatches the primparts! cause when shirts come's with primparts u need to use them!!

[Ninikoboy] Make you man streetsexeh with these outfits 200L$ jacket 180L$ pants 200L$ shirt (without inner t-shirt).

[{ZAARA}]Single 190L$ & fatpack 380L$ If your guy can rock a tunic im stealing him (JK), I love it when dudes are in touch with their feminine side! Smexy!

(And my shoppingoutfit for today, ill post a shoppinglist later today)
