Monday, August 22, 2011

Inventory loss finally figured out!

So i sat down the other night thining what the problem might be.
I uninstalled all SL viwers i could find on the computer, and when trying to re-install the latest SL viwer i just got error messages.

So therefore i did something i never usually do, i turned to another viewer, Firestorm in my case. I know most of the people dont use LL's own viwere but ive stayed true to that viwer for years, so i dont really want to use another.

Anyways thats solved everything, even tho theres still some crazyness going on in my invenory, but thats nothing compared to what was going on before.

I havent tried going back to LL's viwer, cause its probably still nuts. So i'll just wait untill i get home and then ill mess with the old viewer again!

So now im all happy again :D


  1. All Linden Lab's viewers use the same cache. Will it be wrong in a viewer gets it wrong at all.
    If one crashes, you have to empty the cache manually. For example, Kirsten S21 viewer has its own cache and is not affected if an LL-viewer crashes.
    I intend to do an experiment, next time I log on and the inventory is loaded, I will back it up and before the next start putting it in Second Life cache to see what happens. Maybe it's a way to save my stuff

  2. Thanx Tina :)

    Strange cause my inventory still isnt working in LL's viwer but it works in firestorm?!?
    That sound's like a great idea, try it and then tell me if it worked :D
