Sunday, December 16, 2012

Do the Yay Yay dance!!

What is the yay yay dance? I have no idea im just dancin around waving my arms going yay yay yay.
So here's the deal, i just ordered the new gaphic card ant it will come in the next 3-4 days (hopefully earlier since its christmas soon), So once i got it everything will be back to normal, AMEN!

I really need something to do cause its been raining here the last 2 days so all the snow we've gotten the last 2 week is gone :(. It isnt normal for me to see it rain this time a year since im raised in another part of this country where there's been plenty of snow.

Here's a picture my mom took yesturday, look at that yummy pile of snow!!! 
I told here to put on some swimming goggles and jump straing in to that pile of white fluff. 
She said NO!! And i cant understand why on earth she said that, id be there a second after i saw it.
But then again shes smaller than the pile so she'd get lost. I on the other hand would not, cause i'd wiggle like a worm in there creating little worm paths so my friends could join in (the worst part is, my friend WOULD join in, all of the, we're such a bunch of fucktards).

Well have a lovely pre-christmas time people and i see you again in a few day ♥ yay!!!

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