Friday, April 12, 2013

Just my day

Im mentally tired today, ive been woking at my hubbys job the last 3 days, and he works at a kindergarten, and yeah kids these days are wild. My brain went from fast to fluid Lol. So ill post the fi*friday and FLF later tonight cause now i need to rest a little. Theres some more events i wanna post about but as i wrote ill do it later, need some food, lay in bed n read the walking dead comics, snooze n snore a bit (i do snore, i admit that, infact i snore so much i wake myself up if im laying on my back).
So im gonna go die a little and then come back to write about some juicyness, plurk already showed me some of the stuff on FLF and its loooking good...cant wait to get back andspend some moneeeeh. Ciao

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